Sunday, July 30, 2006

5-mile run results

Yesterday, I ran my first 5-mile run at the Washington Town & Country Fair 5-mile run/5K walk. I think I did ok, but the humidity was a time killer. I finished at 41:28...which gives me a 8:18 pace...which I can't complain too much about. The results will be published this week and I'll update my running resume then.

The course was pretty challenging...especially on hills (my specialty). I watched many people pass me until a set of hills would slow them down, then I would power my way up the thing, passing them on the way to the crest. Traffic also made it interesting, as every so often, you'd come around a corner to be surprised by an oncoming car. I did wish it had been a little better organized. Although we preregistered, they still didn't have our information ready there. All-in-all, it was a fun run.


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