Newsweek Attempts to Follow CBS News
After the death of 9 people and wounding of around 100, Newsweek now says they screwed up the story about the flushing of a Koran down the toilet (I still want to know how they think you could flush a book down the toilet...I mean, really). The blogs are all over this, and so I referance them:
At Captain's Quarters:
That credence and the Newsweek report touched off riots across Afghanistan and Southwest Asia, costing at least nine lives and setting back American efforts to build diplomacy towards more moderate Muslim communities. Now we find out that after nine people lay dead and anti-American sentiment now runs as hot as ever, Newsweek says that it got the story wrong from the beginning...
At Powerline.
At Little Green Footballs:
Newsweek’s Evan Thomas tries to put a Band-Aid on their credibility, with a non-apology for their use of an anonymous source in the “Quran desecration” story: How a Fire Broke Out.
To add to the fun, Cox & Forkem has this:

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