How to Protest an Anti-War Protest
Little Green Footballs has an awesome report on what some people did who got fed up with Anti-War protesters showing up at the Columbia, MO Memorial Day Airshow. They simply offered a free shredding service to those not interested in their anti-war flyers. The results are tremendous:
A simple concept, legal, moral, and deliciously humorous – Operation Simply Shred provided a polite, free and immediate shredding service for any unwanted political literature or flyer that an Air Show or parade attendee did not care to keep any longer. Small, powerful battery operated shredders in the hands of polite and helpful volunteers allowed any citizen to exercise their own First Amendment right to shred any flyer or propaganda piece handed to them by a “peace at any price” protestor just seconds after they received it. And it was environmentally friendly to boot.
The peace protestors appeared like clockwork when the Air Show gates opened and they started handing out their leaflets. They saw us, and at first our signs confused them. We offered to take any unwanted political flyers from any citizen who wanted to give them to us and then shredded them before the eyes of the smiling citizen and in full view of the peacenik who handed it out. The peaceniks were stunned.
There's also a cool slide show here. But here's my favorite pic:

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