Thursday, September 15, 2005

What Hurrican Katrina has taught me

A post at Captain's Quarters demonstrates something I found interesting. The post deals with the fact that the flood waters from the levee breeches is not the toxic brew the media said it was. Captain Ed asks an interesting question:

How did the "toxic soup" story start, anyway? So far we have heard ridiculous stories pushed over and over again by the national media that sounded just good enough to be true. The floods supposedly killed 10,000 people; now it looks like the casualties might not reach 1,000, still devastating but a completely different scale. Survivors supposedly resorted to cannibalism of corpses, according to civil-rights activist Randall Robinson, who later withdrew the story after the media spread it like wildfire.

Plenty of people want some accountability for government officials for their miscues during the response to Katrina. The Exempt Media has led that charge. If they want to see that, we should also demand an independent commission into the reporting that crossed over into hysteria and mythology, spreading falsehoods that unnecessarily have added to the burdens of Katrina victims from New Orleans.

From everything I have heard recently, the mainstream media has so overblown almost everything they've reported from this hurricane (after they began to ignore it until the levees broke).

So what does this teach me? The mainstream media has lost it's mind. There are no facts issuing from them...just sensationalism. The have followed the path of the Weekly Enquirer, and will soon be putting up stories about finding Hitler's body on the moon.


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