Celebrities that agree with me
I'm not really big on what celebrities think...as I figure they're paid to act, not spout political opinions. However, it never seems to fail that some lefty actor/ess will get on the news and rant for all to hear. So for those of you like me, I like hearing from those who agree with me:
Kelsey Grammer

Actor Kelsey Grammer, who plays the lead role in NBC's "Frasier" sitcom, said he refused to watch this year's Academy Awards because of the anti-war "crap" that fellow celebrities spewed.
Grammer said he was spared filmmaker Michael Moore's anti-war acceptance speech and attack on the Bush administration at the March 23rd Academy Awards. "I didn't hear it because I didn't watch [the Academy Awards], Grammer told CNSNews.com.
"I wasn't interested. I knew that that kind of crap was going to be there and I thought, I am not interested," Grammer added.
Jason Priestley

Jason Priestley of "Beverly Hills 90210" television fame, agreed with Grammer and lamented the excessive coverage of anti-war celebrities by what he termed the "liberal media."
"I think more people should keep their opinions to themselves," Priestley said. He was particularly incensed by Moore's acceptance speech.
"It was shocking. I did not believe that was the forum to voice your opinions. Michael Moore is allowed to have opinions and his opinions are valid like everyone else's opinion, but I just didn't think the Academy Awards were the place to voice them in that manner," he explained.
Robert Duvall

Actor Robert Duvall said he is not a fan of Michael Moore, and he lashed out at Hollywood political activists.
"They should keep their mouths shut," Duvall said.
Vince Vaughn

Outside the awards show though, Vince Vaughn talked about his regular comeback for people who denounced the USA in England. “I'd ask folks to think about the Marshall Plan a bit and get back to me.
Dennis Miller

On the show Miller commented on the NY Times reporters (known to be liberals) saying, “If only Saddam Hussein would open an all-male country club somewhere in Iraq, so the Times could get behind this invasion.” In January, Miller appeared on the “Tonight Show” and had no qualms about sharing his views once again. Miller said he was a “Bush fan” and that “Iraq and al Qaeda have each other on speed dial.”
Kid Rock

“Why is everybody trying to stop the war? George Bush ain't been saying, 'You all, make s-y records.' Politicians and music don't mix. It's like whisky and wine. (Musicians) ought to stay out of it.” He continued, “We got to kill that mother-(bleeper) Saddam. Slit his throat. Kill him and the guy in North Korea.”
Lara Flynn Boyle

The former star of The Practice, 34, has gone against the grain of a large number of her Hollywood counterparts to pledge her support for the Republican leader. She says, "I'm Irish Catholic, so a Democrat by blood. But I'm 100 per cent for Bush. I want my president to be like my agent: not afraid of people, but wants my best interest."
Bruce Willis

Bruce Willis is one of my favorite actors. He apparently tried to join the Army shortly after 9/11, but was rejected because of his age. His current film project is a film based on Deuce 4...the unit that blogger/reporter Michael Yon was embedded with.
See Also:
Alice Cooper
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