Thursday, January 31, 2008


Training at TBS doesn't really lend itself to improving your PFT. The long days and frequent class time don't allow for much in the way of physical improvement through quality physical training. I was shocked to learn that we were performing a PFT next week, and were performing one today to "see where we are at." 12 pull-ups (blah), 100 crunchs, and a 20:57 3-mile run later, I was surprised. I knew my pull-ups were lacking, but my run has gotten about 40 seconds better. With that in mind, I hope to regain those lost pull-ups and get my PFT score away from 242 and back up to the 260s where it belongs.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am utterly amazed. How do you do it? Congrats on your eval. Now if we could get Sarah's AI type person to stick to the truth and not try to scare or intimidate her, I'd feel a lot better and I think she would too. hope to talk to you this weekend. Got 4-5" snow last night. luvya. Hey , do you want to go in together and buy Yahoo!? lol

01 February, 2008 09:50  
Blogger sejgirl said...

I'm sure your run time change had nothing to do with the new route... :)

01 February, 2008 14:34  
Blogger FlaK said...

I suppose being able to see Camp Barret with over a mile left on the course (straight line) has absolutely nothing to do with opposed to the old course that tried to break your ankles with large rocks every three steps.

02 February, 2008 08:26  

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