Tuesday, October 04, 2005

A Message to a Raving Lunitic

Several conservitive bloggers have picked up a post at The Daily Kos inciting violence of the treasonous kind(link to actual post availible at Confederate Yankee):

It's become more and more apparent to me over the past five years that all the activism and non-violent protesting in the world will do precisely squat. When you're dealing with evil people who have no shame, the old rules of the game don't and, indeed, can't apply if you have any hope for success. Hundreds of thousands of people have marched, millions of letters have been written, tens of millions of votes cast, and hundreds of trillions of electrons expended pontificating on blogs...for nothing. Nothing has changed. Nothing will change. Not unless it comes in the form of something akin to the French Revolution.

We need terror. We need horror. We need the streets running awash in rivers of blood of these thugs and criminals and zealots. Activism didn't prevent 60,000 deaths in Vietnam. All the activism of the Civil Rights era has gotten African Americans precisely nowhere. Segregation may not be the law of the land anymore, but it's still the de facto state of America.

When y'all want to start throwing molotovs and sniping from windows come and talk to me. Until then, I will be content to retire, be a hermit, and laugh at everyone. Even then, I may still just feel like laughing as the world falls apart around me, but at least I'll be willing to listen.

Tell you what. Try starting your "bloody revoloution" near a US Marine base. I suspect you'll find them less than accomidating to your assault on our government. If you wish to get involved in shooting matches with them, I think you may be surprised at the speed with which you are dispatched, as they take warfare pretty seriously.


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