Um, just a couple notes. None of my views are representative of that of the United States Marine Corps. If you feel like e-mailing, just remember that the action of e-mailing serves as an allowance to post said e-mail and all content within and make random comments about...or, I may choose to ignore it. Or, maybe, just maybe, I'll send a reply. It just totally depends on how much sugar I've had that day. Or if I just got in trouble for buying something expensive. Or I'm I am right now. Ok.
Monday, October 03, 2005
A Tribute to Monty Python
After reading this post by Citizen Smash, I just kept thinking of this scene from The Holy Grail: RUN AWAY!!!
Anytime you can have a picture of the Killer Rabbit in a blog, you know it is a great blog.
That being said, I do believe I soiled myself.
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