Memorial Day
I hope everyone will take a moment to remember one of those who have served and passed on before us.
LCpl. Matthew P. Pathenos, USMCR, 21, Ballwin, Mo. - died Feb. 7, Al Anbar Province.
Semper Fi, Lance Corporal.
I hope everyone will take a moment to remember one of those who have served and passed on before us.
I was feeling yesterday's bout today.
Today's break-off consisted of:
I scares me that a sitting representative in the United States Congress actually even suggested the nationalization of any part of US industry. Wow...
'nuff said.
DO we still have troops in Iraq? Is there still a conflict over there?
If you rely on the so-called mainstream media, you may have difficulty answering those questions these days. As Iraqi and Coalition forces pile up one success after another, Iraq has magically vanished from the headlines.
Want a real "inconvenient truth?" Progress in Iraq is powerful and accelerating.
After a short break after my graduation, I just restarted my workout regimen. I figured I'd post my current routine and see if it's more effective than some of my previous stuff.
One of the principles of leadership drilled into our heads is to become a "life-long learner." This is also brought up with the concept of the "3000 year-old mind"...basically, we have 3000 years of written history (especially involving warfighting), so we should make use of it. This prevents major, life-threating mistakes that have been observed in the past. Clearly, an editor from the Seattle Times has not really understood his history...or willingly refuses to use it.
I am making an argument against using the story of the Munich Conference of 1938 and the idea of "appeasement" as a touchstone in making foreign policy decisions in the Middle East. I am making two claims about it. The second claim, which most of the respondents did not mention, is that the comparison is not relevant. That is, that the Middle East is so different from Europe in 1938 that the two should not be connected.
I have to be careful sometimes. One of the big rules of blogging is to never blog angry. I waited a day, but this subject still irritates me. Instapundit pointed to this article about the Marine Corps exceeding it's recruiting goals for the month. Aside from the "recruiting is easier in a slow economy" comment which doesn't really jive with the 5% unemployment rate we're at, my curiosity got the best of me and checked the comments. One of the more persistent myths I'm seeing throughout is the idea that the military accepts high school drop-outs. As of 2003, 85% of the general population has graduated high school. 96% of the those in the Marines have graduated high school as of 2004. Those that don't graduate must get a GED (3%). Those who are home schooled must earn additional college credit. The idea that the military is made up of unschooled morons is completely out of touch with reality...but it remains a stalwart claim of many...many that must not know much about the military or rely on hearsay. I would challenge them, go get to know some in the military. It would prevent asinine drivel like this comment:
Mission accomplished by lowering the standards. You no longer have to be a high school grad, nor does a criminal record bar you from joining up. In fact, a criminal record may in fact be a recommendation for the kinds of acts Marines perpetrate in Iraq and other places.
Well, my surgery got canceled due to complications with the crazy weather we've been having. Apparently the flooding effected the hospital and shut the OR down. My time was pushed back to Thursday. In the mean-time, I'll be resuming my "pre-hab" routine for a couple days.
My usual reading of blogs this afternoon resulted in a sudden spike in my blood pressure. This article from Time magazine declares "Al-Sadr wins another round." Anyone who has followed the recent actions revolving around "Mookie" will know the actual story...that Al-Sadr is being squeezed.
May 8th, 1945: Allies sign surrender document.
Wednesday this week, I graduated with my "Cat-herding" certificate from the Basic School. A crazy 6-months indeed. Unfortunately, my time here in Quantico is not done. I am now with Mike Company preparing to heal my jacked-up ACL for the next couple months. Should be a good time...not really.