Monday, August 29, 2005

I can see for miles and miles and miles...

I ran another 4-miler with my wife. Unfortunately, she got a pain in her calf, so she had to slow down to a walk. Our pace was somewhere in the mid-to-high 9 min/mile pace...but once again, this was supposed to be an easy run to build our base mileage (it was really tempting to put in a last minute sprint, I decided I'll feel enough by friday...speedwork day).

On Wednesday, I'll be running a faster-paced 3 mile. Hopefully, I'll see a return to some of my previous least back to a sub-8min/mile pace.

Tommorrow, I'll be doing the weightlifting component of my workout and resting the pull-ups and crunches for now. I might actually have to post up my weight routine since I've put up some much else.

More education dumb ideas...UK edition

I saw this article up at the DrudgeReport: You can use the f-word in class (but only five times)

A secondary school is to allow pupils to swear at teachers - as long as they don't do so more than five times in a lesson. A running tally of how many times the f-word has been used will be kept on the board. If a class goes over the limit, they will be 'spoken' to at the end of the lesson.

The astonishing policy, which the school says will improve the behaviour of pupils, was condemned by parents' groups and MPs yesterday. They warned it would backfire.

Parents were advised of the plan, which comes into effect when term starts next week, in a letter from the Weavers School in Wellingborough, Northamptonshire.

Assistant headmaster Richard White said the policy was aimed at 15 and 16-year-olds in two classes which are considered troublesome.

Wow. What a dumb idea. I wonder how many people really thought this policy through. I knew lots of 15 and 16-years olds (ok, maybe like 10 years ago...but still) and this only encourages bad behavior. So if the class has 20 kids and the students get five f-words to use against the teacher, that's 100 times the teacher (remember that the teacher is *supposed* to be the authority in the classroom) has to endure being verbaly assulted. That's probably more than the average telemarketer. It's also very sad. How does one maintain authority when they have idiots making policies like this. One can't. Once again, teachers get another hand tied behind thier back as they get more responsiblities heaped on them. Sad times.

Activists that make me laugh...

Maybe it's because I love cars. I love driving. There's no feeling like blasting down a good, twisty road with the t-tops off your "vintage" Z; your wife beside you (holding onto the armrest more tightly) as you row through the gears...the mean growl from the exhaust leak filling your ears. Mmmmmmmm...heaven.

Anyway, this story from caught my eye: Activists join anti-car network

PITTSBURGH (AP) -- When the United States declined to ratify an international treaty that would impose limits on emissions of carbon dioxide and other gases, four twentysomething Pittsburghers decided to take action.

They formed Car Free Pittsburgh, which promotes walking, bicycling and public transportation. The group is part of the World Carfree Network, a loose-knit coalition of more than 40 groups that believe cars hurt the environment, the economy and society.

The car-free movement is growing in the United States, although more slowly than in other countries. An estimated 100 million people participate in International Car Free Day each September 22 in 1,500 cities worldwide, according to the Sierra Club and other groups.

But it's not an easy sell, especially in an older, hilly city like Pittsburgh, one expert said.

"I think it would be an extremely difficult, if not miraculous, feat if organizations would be able to sway the general public, let alone the average Pittsburgher, to give up their cars," said Audrey Guskey, a consumer trends expert from Duquesne University.

The article goes on to explain how this movement started in Europe and has a big get-together and a magazine. However there's some problems with going "car free" in most of the US. Those that have grown up in rural areas realize what it really means to go somewhere. For me, a grocery trip is 12 miles one way. Even on a bicycle at a good pace, my milk wouldn't be in good shape on a hot Missouri day. If I need a specialty item...then I'm looking at more like 40 miles one way. Public transportation out here is basically non-existant. The closest thing is Amtrack...which makes two stops a day...and is forever off schedual (which is also 12 miles away).

In other countries with closely connected cities can form good public transportation systems easily and cheaply...but anyone who has reached the far-out deserts out west can attest to how difficult a public transportation system would be to run.

Enter the car and the expansive car culture (many of you might have noted my toyota underground link) of all kinds. From highly tuned sports cars to lifted, rock-crawling trucks to crazy lowriders, the car demonstrates the role of the individual in the US. In addition, it solves all those nagging distance problems that public transport or biking can't fix.

Enter the fun Kyoto Accords. Other than several countries have expressed problems with keeping them, I still say that global warming is still greatly overblown...and you can look here if you want to see why.

At any rate...while admire their drive to do something about what they disagree with, I still think it's funny.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

My "Classic Leading Man" Personallity

So, I find personality tests rather entertaining...and addictive. After hearing about this one from The Anchoress, I gave it a whirl:

Humphrey Bogart
You scored 35% Tough, 14% Roguish, 42% Friendly, and 9% Charming!

You're the original man of honor, rough and tough but willing to stick
your neck out when you need to, despite what you might say to the
contrary. You're a complex character full of spit and vinegar, but with
a soft heart and a tender streak that you try to hide. There's usually
a complicated dame in the picture, someone who sees the real you behind
all the tough talk and can dish it out as well as you can. You're not
easy to get next to, but when you find the right partner, you're caring
and loyal to a fault. A big fault. But you take it on the chin and move
on, nursing your pain inside and maintaining your armor...until the
next dame walks in. Or possibly the same dame, and of all the gin
joints in all the world, it had to be yours. Co-stars include Ingrid
Bergman and Lauren Bacall, hot chicks with problems.

Find out what kind of classic dame you'd make by taking the
Classic Dames Test.

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
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You scored higher than 77% on Tough
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You scored higher than 37% on Roguish
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You scored higher than 72% on Friendly
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You scored higher than 3% on Charming
Link: The Classic Leading Man Test written by gidgetgoes on OkCupid Free Online Dating

After reading it, I realized that I have a rather large lack of knowledge on any Bogart movies...other than Casablanca. I may have to hunt up some more movies...or if any of you readers have any suggestions...

Friday, August 26, 2005

Social Engineers are BAD

A story popped up on about Fast Food locations and schools.

CHICAGO, Illinois (AP) -- The big Burger King sign across the street from a high school campus advertises this temptation: "2 Whoppers for $3."

The scene is repeated throughout Chicago, where fast-food restaurants are clustered within easy walking distance of elementary and high schools, according to a study by Harvard's School of Public Health. The researchers say the pattern probably exists in urban areas nationwide and is likely contributing to the nation's obesity epidemic.

"It can be very hard for children and teens to eat in healthy ways when they're inundated with this," said lead author Bryn Austin, a researcher at Harvard and Children's Hospital Boston.

Nearly 80 percent of Chicago schools studied had at least one fast-food restaurant within a half mile. Statistical mapping techniques showed there were at least three times more fast-food restaurants located less than a mile from schools than would be expected if the restaurants had been more randomly distributed, the researchers said.

Ok, a few points here. First off, everything can be hard. The fact that things are hard creates know, like self-control. Just because you're tempted to do something, doesn't mean you have to do it. This is a simple concept that children should be aware of...though, I've noticed a fair number of "adults" still don't understand this.

Second, fast-food restaurants are businesses with markets. They are not randomly distributed...that's a recipe for disaster of any business. You don't put restaurants where there's no people. Now schools generally become population centers...heavily trafficked ones at that. It makes sense that, in general, there will be fast-food restaurants where there is heavy traffic. I'm sure if the study included other businesses, there'd be a grociery store, a supply store, maybe even a dry cleaner.

Now, the comment that got my blood pressure up:

One solution is to "change demand" and make healthy food choices more accessible, Longjohn said.

Chicago's public schools are among districts that have eliminated junk-food and soft drinks from campus vending machines in an effort to tackle the problem, but the researchers said the clustering of fast-food restaurants near schools may be undermining those efforts.

This demonstrates bad, liberal thought. The "lets legislate the destruction of out economy" argument does not make me happy, as it demonstrates social engineering. You don't "change demand." Demand is a function of needs/wants of people. If I want a fat saturated calorie bomb, then (if I can afford it) why should anyone stop me from getting it (with fries). I am an adult...I can make decisions. I can also make decisions for my children and instruct them on what is and is not a healthy eating habit.

I was saved from my head exploding by a sudden voice of reason:

"We can't really tell our students not to go to fast-food restaurants; all we can do is to educate them about what healthy food choices are," said Mike Vaughn, a spokesman for Chicago's public schools.

And there was much rejoicing and my blood pressure went back down. This is a wise man. This is what a school is, not social engineering.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Oh, yeah...I almost forgot

At my last doctor's appointment, he informed me that I was 20 lbs overweight. For those that have never met, you'll have to use your imagniation for now. For those of you who haven't seen me since I've been exercising, I've thinned out a bit since I left Olathe. For the people who I tell that to in person, the general reaction has been for the eyes to bulge, mouth to drop, and an incredulous "What!?" to explode out.

My doctor based this on a BMI (body mass index) chart that said that my 5'8.5" height put my maxium weight at 160 lbs. As of my MEPS physical, I weigh 179. I have decided that I trust the BMI reading (overfat) about as much as I would trust a brick flying over a greenhouse. My personal goal is actually to lose about 9 lbs. Now that the local gym I goto has reopened after a 3-week break, I'm hoping to start my upper body program back up. I've found that these weight lifting sessions really help out with my pull/push-ups and am definately looking forward to the benefits that will show up in my PFT score.


I did today's set of crunches and was pleasantly surprised with my performance:
2min - 83
1min - 36
30sec - 20

This represents an improvement across the board (12/5/3 respectively). It also represents another 13 points I can add to my current unofficial PT score; I now stand at 191. This puts me in range to the 200 necessary to send in my Officer Application...and a closing range to my goal of breaking 250 to become competative. I can do it...and, God willing, I will.

Um...I Don't Think So...

I know slavery is alive in the world today. Slavery in the US, though? Well, Murdoc at Murdoc Online posts about one of the stupidist editorials I've ever seen, claiming that our volunteer armed forces are...wait for it...slaves! The original artical is available here.

Our military is one of the last bastions of slavery in the United States. At the moment, our slaves are stuck in a combat zone, getting killed and maimed, and there's nothing they can do about it except hunker down and pray.

Yes, our slaves signed up of their own free will, but most of them were as misled about their job as the rest of us were about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

And I don't think "slave" is too strong a word to describe someone who is not permitted to quit his job no matter how dangerous it becomes or how much he hates it. For most of us, the 13th Amendment abolished slavery and guaranteed that we have the right to withhold our labor. It doesn't protect soldiers.

Our armed forces recruiters are quite adept at making military service appear beneficial (it mostly is) and safe (it's not). The threat of war is minimized, because few rational people actually want to fight.

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! *gasp* BAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Ok, my Marine Corps recruiter sat me down and reminded me at least twice during his spiel that I could die in the service...and that I could "get my ass shot off" in Iraq. Not to mention the evening news loves to dump out casualty numbers every night.

Trying to say the military = slavery just proves the idiocy of some on the left. Slavery is something to be scorned. Somehow equating this with a contract that you AGREE TO FULFILL (and have several options for how long you serve) is rediculous. It's like saying that you're a slave to your new car. In fact, a commentor at murdoc online posted this excellent point:

I am always amazed at people's ability to bitch and moan when life doesn't just give them sparkling french lemonade in glass long-neck bottles.

I was a slave to my parents for eighteen years.

I was a slave to liberal Democrats' choice of President for eight years.

I am currently a slave to my employer, having freely signed a nine-year contract that lays out my responsibilities on a quarterly basis.

Fiona Apple is a slave to her cranky record label.

Lindsay Lohan is a slave to the public eye.

I am a slave to my landlords, having signed a lease.

I cannot re-negotiate my employment contract, my lease, or my life. I do not get everything I want. Sometimes things that people are supposed to do for me never happen, or they come late. Men I fall for do not always love me back. I was not genetically handed a perfect body.

But I will do what I am called to do when my time comes. Although my employment contract is with the US government (non-military), I do not pretend that they somehow OWE me a free education and I should be able to change my mind if they ask me to do something unpleasant later on. I committed to serve. And serve I will -- happily and gratefully. As we all will serve one master or another -- princes and paupers alike.

'Nuff said.

Of Miles and Breaking in Shoes

Well, I ran my first 4-miler today in my effort to increase my weekly mileage. I took it at a pretty slow pace (approx. 8:42/mile). After I hit 5-miles (hopefully next week if I'm feeling up to it), I'm hoping to increase that pace significantly. I think I've also finally broken in my shoes as the blister thats been haunting me stopped hurting and now has a slightly tougher layer.

I had a concern that I had messed up my hamstring while running, but I think I've found the crunch exercises. I suspect that as I get late into the crunches, I let my leg slip down...thus changing which muscles are doing the work. Not only is this non-Marine form, it also stresses some muscles that you don't want to stress when trying to run (especially uphill).

At any rate, I'll have to really watch for that in the future so I can keep those crunches coming.

Friday, August 19, 2005

What'd I do!?

I busted out my fastest time ever for a 3-mile...a 23:12. I'd have to say there was one main I borrowed my wife's mp3 player and was enjoying the motivation given by the random list of songs. Green Day's "Welcom to Paradise" gave way to Jars of Clay's "Flood." DC Talk's "Jesus Freak" provided a random sprint opportunity(guitar/drum solo). Before I knew it...I was done. Every time I began to slow, I quickly noticed it because of the music's steady beat.

I suspect this is pretty close to what my actual PFT time will be, as having a bunch of people around will increase my motivation (like I've said before, can't beat the male ego for motivation) and the fact that I will be aware that it counts for something.

I'm now trying to decide if I should change my running program or not. Running my 3-mile three times a week has the effect of highlighting my potential PFT scores. However, it doesn't change much in the way I try to drop times...and it really doesn't increase my mileage like I know I need to do. Then again, as of today, I've shaved off a minute and a half since I really started trying to keep time about a month ago.

Oh, I didn't get away scott free. My blister made a nasty return, and I recieved a nice runner's cramp for the last 2/3 of my 3rd mile. Oddly, enough, I think I can push harder (...oh, yeah, easy enough for me to say now that I've cooled off). If I can snip another minute or two, I think that'll help me out tremendously.

Well, decisions, decisions.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Rain, Rain go away, I want to run today.

It's raining again, and thus I'm stuck inside. The good news is that next week, the gym at the local community college opens up and I can use the treadmill on days like today. It probably is for the best that I'm not running my full schedual, as I'm still breaking in my new running shoes (as evidenced by the nice blister I recieved for running 3 miles on tuesday). Perhaps it'll clear up tonight for a run. We'll see.

I'm continuing my crunch workout and here's my latest numbers:
2min - 70
1min - 31
30sec - 13

This is a good improvement on all numbers, but I've got quite a distance to go to consistantly hit 100 on my 2 min. I'll get there.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Blood Pressure, Blood Smesher

Part of the process I've been waiting on deals with a "BUMED." This is basically a medical waiver that says I'll last 20 years...medically. Unfortunately, I've apparently got a little blood pressure problem. For someone who has been running about 9 miles a week in addition to various forms of weightlifting...and who has been watching what he ate, this bugs the crap out of me. Apparently, my stupid genes had to pick up this little hypertension issue. Oh, well. I'm told that the military has waivers for everything, so I'm hoping I can still get in.

In other fitness stuff, my wife wants to do a 5K run (3.1 miles). I actually think it might be kinda fun...and interesting. Based on last year's results, we aren't doing half bad. Like, I'd be around 60th of 290. Anyway, I'll post up whenever I find out more. For the time being, I'm still waiting to hear back from my BUMED...and working out like crazy.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005


I just bested my 3-mile time! I'm down to 24:14...that's 14 sec off my best time. Although this is only 1 point differance in the PFT, it's just that much closer to the 24 minute minimum to get my OCS application sent in. I'm stoked!

Monday, August 15, 2005

A new addition to my workout

Everyone, I'd like to introduce a new exercise to my workout plan. This is pain. Pain is an abdominal (abominable) specialist. Pain has asked me to do the following:

2 min (max set of crunches)
2 min rest
1 min (max set of crunches)
1 min rest
30 sec (max set of crunches)

At this point pain steps in and makes life miserable for awhile. For my first workout, here's my numbers:

2 - 65
1 - 26
30 - 9...excrutiating crunches least it's only 3 times a week...

Saturday, August 13, 2005

PFT Update

I have a new update I my Marine PFT (physical fitness test). Today, I busted out 8 pull-ups, which at 5 points apiece puts my current score to 170. To enter OCS, I need be competative, 225. I suspect having a bunch of people around will boost my score some (can't beat the male ego for initiative). My current goal for Jan 15 (shipping date for OCS) is 250. I'm getting really close.

The next few weeks, I'll be adding some more miles to my running program. Before, I was running about 9 miles a week. This next week, I'll be adding one mile of "speed laps." After some research, I found that an important part of decreasing mile times is to "teach" your body what it feels like to run certain speeds, so at this point, I'll be starting with tuesday with a "speed-mile" where I'll attept to run one mile at a 7-minute pace. The week after, I'll do that both tuesday and thursday. Not only does this increase my weekly milage, but it also gives me time to find faster pacing...and hopefully increases my ability to use such pacing.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

A New Lesson in Blogginomics

As I was perusing Michelle Malkin's website, I ran across this instance of what some people call "karma."

Speaking of slow-wittedness, the Cindy Sheehan juggernaut has resulted in an uptick in profanity-laced moonbat hate mail from Bush Derangement Syndrome sufferers incapable of rational debate. Here's just a sample. Excuse the language.


Patrick Mitchell, who works at the Los Angeles office of Ogletree and Deakins, writes from work:

X-Originating-IP: []
From: "Mitchell, Patrick"
To: "''"
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2005 11:41:22 -0400
X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2657.72)

YOU STINK you nasty CUNT! Eat Shit and DIE bitch!!

Update, 1:50 pm eastern time: I have just received an e-mail and phone call from
Gray L. Geddie of the L.A. office of Ogletree Deakins. Here's the e-mail...

Dear Ms. Malkin,

I am the Managing Shareholder of the law firm of Ogletree Deakins with offices located across the country. I was very disturbed to learn today that a legal secretary in our Los Angeles office sent you the vile e-mail referenced on your home page. Such remarks are clearly inappropriate in any context and an e-mail such as this certainly should not have been sent during working time using our firm's equipment. The comments of this employee are not reflective of the views or opinions of the firm and are directly in violation of our e-mail policy. As Managing Shareholder, I wanted to extend to you our apologies and let you know that this serious violation of our firm's work rules has resulted in the discharge of this employee.

Once again, let me offer you our deepest apologies for any discomfort that the referenced e-mail has caused. It will not happen again.


Gray Geddie

0wn3d! The lesson here, folks, is that sending nasty e-mails from work is a bad work habit.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Were you saying something, dear?

Via KMG at Right Equals Might, we have a wonderful new excuse: Men do have trouble hearing women, scientists find

LONDON (AFP) - Men who are accused of never listening by women now have an excuse -- women's voices are more difficult for men to listen to than other men's, a report said.

The Daily Mail, quoting findings published in the specialist magazine

NeuroImage, said researchers at Sheffield university in northern England discovered startling differences in the way the brain responds to male and female sounds.

Men deciphered female voices using the auditory part of the brain that processes music, while male voices engaged a simpler mechanism, it said.

The Mail quoted researcher Michael Hunter as saying, "The female voice is actually more complex than the male voice, due to differences in the size and shape of the vocal cords and larynx between men and women, and also due to women having greater natural 'melody' in their voices.

"This causes a more complex range of sound frequencies than in a male voice."

The findings may help explain why people suffering hallucinations usually hear male voices, the report added, as the brain may find it much harder to conjure up a false female voice accurately than a false male voice.

I'll probably get in trouble for posting this one...

Clear thinking in an 18 year old...or lackthereof

I saw this story on Fan jumps from upper deck.

The game was delayed for four minutes in the eighth inning when an 18-year-old fan, Scott Harper of Armonk, N.Y., plummeted about 40 feet from the upper deck onto the netting behind home plate.

"That was the only exciting thing that happened today," Yankees owner George Steinbrenner said.

Harper told three friends he was sitting with that he was going to test whether the net would hold his weight -- and then he jumped, Det. Kevin Czartoryski said.

Obviously shaken after he landed, Harper sat with his head in his hands for a few moments before climbing on the net back up to the loge level as players watched and the crowd roared. He was hoisted over the railing and led away by security.

After the game, Harper was carted from the ballpark on a stretcher, his head immobilized in a neck brace, and taken to Lincoln Hospital for observation.

He was arrested, and Czartoryski said police expect to charge Harper with reckless endangerment, criminal mischief, criminal trespass and disorderly conduct.

"Lets bet my life on seeing if this net will hold be"...idiot. Well, at the least, he'll be up for a Darwin Runner up award.

I do like this comment, however:

"That was the only exciting thing that happened today," Yankees owner George Steinbrenner said.

Yes...and this reflects my feelings on major league baseball. Every game I have ever been to, I have been bored of the game and spend the whole time people watching. With racing, you are (almost) guaranteed to have a car going high speed...which is at least moderately exciting. Now that I've made all the baseball fans mad at me, I'll just go shut my trap.

How Much Gaming is too Much?

How about 50 hours worth: S. Korean man dies after 50 hours of computer gaming.

SEOUL (Reuters) - A South Korean man who played computer games for 50 hours almost non-stop died of heart failure minutes after finishing his mammoth session in an Internet cafe, authorities said Tuesday.

The 28-year-old man, identified only by his family name Lee, had been playing on-line battle simulation games at the cybercafe in the southeastern city of Taegu, police said.

Lee had planted himself in front of a computer monitor to play on-line games on Aug. 3. He only left the spot over the next three days to go to the toilet and take brief naps on a makeshift bed, they said.

"We presume the cause of death was heart failure stemming from exhaustion," a Taegu provincial police official said by telephone.

Lee had recently quit his job to spend more time playing games, the daily JoongAng Ilbo reported after interviewing former work colleagues and staff at the Internet cafe.

After he failed to return home, Lee's mother asked his former colleagues to find him. When they reached the cafe, Lee said he would finish the game and then go home, the paper reported.

He died a few minutes later, it said.

Just from my humble point of veiw, this seems just slightly obsesive. In particular, how does one expect to be able to play games without a job? In addition, I can't stand to play computer games for more than about 2 hours straight...I have to go do something different. 50 hours!? Wow.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

PETA Gets 0wn3d

Well, PETA finally crossed the line and made a major mistake: Comparing Livestock to Slavery.

NEW HAVEN — A two-hour animal rights demonstration on the Green Monday sparked outrage instead of sympathy from the public.

"This is the most racist thing I’ve ever seen on the Green. How dare you," roared Philip Goldson, 43, of New Haven at the protest organizers at Church and Chapel streets.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, a national animal rights group, posted giant photographs of people, mostly black Americans, being tortured, sold and killed, next to photographs of animals, including cattle and sheep, being tortured, sold and killed.

"I think it is an apt comparison," said Josh Warchol, 26, of Wallingford, president of the Southern Connecticut Vegetarian Society, which is aligned with PETA.

PETA officials said they had hoped to generate dialogue with the shocking photographs.

"We realize these images are hurtful. It’s hard for me to imagine the hurt the animals go through. We should be treating animals according to their own best interests, not to the best interests of people," said Dawn Carr, PETA’s director of special projects.

PETA wants people to stop eating animals, stop using them for clothing, stop forcing animals to entertain people (as in a circus) and stop animal experimentation.

Carr said she doesn’t want animals sold or treated as property either.

The controversial display, which is on a national tour, is intended to drive home PETA’s point.

However, critics said the organization’s demonstration backfired.

One man demanded that the NAACP get involved immediately. Five minutes later, Scot X. Esdaile, president of the state and Greater New Haven chapters of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, arrived at the scene, surveyed the photos and blasted the organizers.

"Once again, black people are being pimped. You used us. You have used us enough," Esdaile said. "Take it down immediately."

"I am a black man! I can’t compare the suffering of these black human beings to the suffering of this cow," said Michael Perkins, 47, of New Haven. He stood in front of a photo of butchered livestock hung next to the photo of two lynched black men dangling before a white mob.

"You can’t compare me to a freaking cow," shouted John Darryl Thompson, 46, of New Haven, inches from Carr’s face. "We don’t care about PETA. You are playing a dangerous game."

Paul Tomaselli, 46, of North Branford took exception to an exhibit that included a photo of a black man being beaten to the ground by a white man with a stick while a white mob gathers.

Next to that photo was one of a man chasing a seal across the snow with a club.

"I think he’s right," said Tomaselli, who is white, in support of Thompson. "To compare people to animals is an unfairness to people."

The display, "Are Animals the New Slaves?" is on a 10-week, 42-city tour that started in early July. Today’s stop: Scranton, Pa., then on to Baltimore and Washington, D.C.

"New Haven is important because of the Amistad. This is a place where slaves were brought. What happened here was very important for abolition. The next great liberation movement is animal liberation," Carr said.

However, the Anti-Defamation League, a national civil rights organization, has publicly condemned PETA’s use of photos comparing human suffering in the Holocaust to animal suffering today; PETA apologized in May for the hurt it caused but stood by the comparisons.

That point of disagreement became a flashpoint in New Haven.

"This is the most hostile audience we’ve had," said PETA volunteer Ben Godwin.

At one point, police hovered at the edge of the Green, across from the demonstration.

Eight of the 12 banners compared the suffering of black Americans to the suffering of cattle, sheep, an elephant, a seal and a rooster. Other banners showed Native Americans exiled from their homes, children in a factory and men in a counter-demonstration against women’s rights.

A photo showing a concentration camp inmate with a number tattooed across his emaciated chest was juxtaposed against a shot of a monkey in a laboratory with a number branded across its chest.

"I have relatives who were in concentration camps," said Alex Reznikoff, 47, of Newtown. "I think this detracts from PETA’s message. It doesn’t make me think about animals at all."

Bad News Bears for PETA. Speaking of which, I'm getting hungry for a steak...

Marine Update

Theres some possibly good news for me in my endevor to become a marine officer! I just recieved word that I need to get my blood pressure checked at a doctor's office three days in a row (my reading at MEPS was kinda 173/115 at it's worst...146/86 at it's best, though I think much of that was due to some anxiety issues). This means they didn't think it was a complete waste of time to toss me out due to my leg (I have a metal plate and 7 screws just above my ankle due to a break I had in college). This is good news.

I want this...and I want it badly. I'm going to really try to put into words for my "Why I want to become a Marine Corps Officer." If I can put it well enough, I'll probably do alright. I'm also going to have to really push my physical fitness training...hard.

Sunday, August 07, 2005


Little Green Footballs illustrates the completely irrational thinking of the Mainstream Media in regards to the war in Iraq.

ONE soldier fought off scores of elite Iraqi troops in a fierce defense of his outnumbered Army unit, saving dozens of American lives before he himself was killed. Another soldier helped lead a team that killed 27 insurgents who had ambushed her convoy. And then there was the marine who, after being shot, managed to tuck an enemy grenade under his stomach to save the men in his unit, dying in the process.

Their names are Sgt. First Class Paul R. Smith, Sgt. Leigh Ann Hester and Sgt. Rafael Peralta. If you have never heard of them, even in a week when more than 20 marines were killed in Iraq by insurgents, that might be because the military, the White House and the culture at large have not publicized their actions with the zeal that was lavished on the heroes of World War I and World War II.

RAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!! My head is exploding. The New York Times obviously doesn't recieve's newsletter...or Chrenkof's Good News From Iraq...or the Military's own press releases...or the White House's press releases. The big factor in people not hearing anything of these heroes is because the *MAINSTREAM* media doesn't talk about them. These people gave their lives in service of our country, and they are only mentioned as another casualty of war that is forever being spun (by the media) as the new Vietnam. I want to know why we haven't seen the big bold headlines on newspaper stands...stuff like:







Instead we are constantly given a tally of the day's dead and, more recently, a tone of supporting the enemy.

As for our culture...oh, please. Our entire country was borne of the will of the "Rugged Individualist." People who fight for what they believe are remembered(Remember the Alamo!)...even if it's not the right way (remember John Brown, anyone?). People like Pvt. Rodger Young (who died saving his unit from a Japanese ambush during WW2) are forever remembered. Movies are made where the hero dies to save his family/friends/world. No, our culture idolizes those who have proven themselves in extreme situations. Only the academics question them.

Not only does LGF give an example of this bias, but there's a nice one on, too (no stories on the mothers/spouses that support the war or those who have committed acts of heroism...but a story of an anti-war mom graces the front page). Even further, the Merry Mad Monk demonstrates another example. The media is not spotlighting the stories of heroism that have come out of war...instead they focus on casualties. We are at war. There will be casualties; this is a sad fact of war. But to ignore these acts by people who have been or are serving our country and then try to place blame on the military and the White House is among the stupidest things I can think of. Oh, and remeber that the media isn't biased. Please, get a freaking clue.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Another Note to Myself (MSM Lies of '05)

This excellent post at the Cassandra Page is updated with some of the Mainstream Media's many outright lies. Good stuff.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

I'm a Tech Optimist?

This random article from has some interesting (and some obvious )points: Study: Technology 'optimists' turn off TV.

LOS ANGELES, California (Hollywood Reporter) -- Broadband Internet surfers in North America watch two fewer hours of television per week than do those without Internet access, while those using a dial-up connection watch 1.5 fewer hours of TV.

The data come from a Forrester Research study released Tuesday that uses what it calls the longest-running survey of its kind, counting nearly 69,000 people in the U.S. and Canada as participants.

Broadband Internet users watch just 12 hours of TV per week, compared with 14 hours for those who are offline, according to the study, "The State of Consumers and Technology: Benchmark 2005."


While its conclusion that Internet usage detract from other media is not new, the study delves deeper than others, separating consumers into various categories, including technology "optimists" and "pessimists" and "tenured nomadic networkers."

Folks making up the latter category have had Internet access in their networked homes for at least five years and own a laptop computer. These nomads watch just 10.8 hours of TV each week.

While newspapers and magazines also suffer a bit from Internet competition, radio and video games do not, the study concludes.

The study defines a tech optimist as believing technology will make life more enjoyable, while pessimists are indifferent or even hostile to technology. Pessimists outnumber optimists 51 percent to 49 percent.

"Online media attracts technology optimists in droves," says the report, noting that they are three times more likely to use streaming media and peer-to-peer file sharing and read blogs as are their pessimistic counterparts.

Optimists play video games, read magazines and listen to the radio more than do pessimists, while pessimists watch more television. Newspaper reading, according to the study, is identical among the two groups.

It only makes sense that heavy internet users spend less time watching TV. I suspect the next generation will watch far less TV. My wife and I probably spend 5-6 hours a week in front of the TV (usually on Sundays and Wednesdays). Most of our time is on the internet. I get 95% of my news off the internet, participate in online communities (Toyota Underground), and entertain myself online (Homestar Runner, to name one). When people start talking about "American Idol" or the Survivor series, I remain completely clueless. I suspect this population segment will continue to grow...and TV will eventually cease to exist in the way it has for years.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

I am Cow, eating grass, methane gas comes out my...

Citizen Smash points to an...enlightening article from the LA Times: In San Joaquin Valley, Cows Pass Cars as Polluters.

California's San Joaquin Valley for some time has had the dirtiest air in the country. Monday, officials said gases from ruminating dairy cows, not exhaust from cars, are the region's biggest single source of a chief smog-forming pollutant.

Every year, the average dairy cow produces 19.3 pounds of gases, called volatile organic compounds, the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District said. Those gases react with other pollutants to form ground-level ozone, or smog.

With 2.5 million dairy cows — roughly one of every five in the country — emissions of almost 20 pounds per cow mean that cattle in the San Joaquin Valley produce more organic compounds than are generated by either cars or trucks or pesticides, the air district said. The finding will serve as the basis for strict air-quality regulations on the region's booming dairy industry.


"This is not some arcane dispute about cow gases," said Brent Newell, an attorney for the Center on Race, Poverty & the Environment. "We are talking about a public health crisis. It's not funny to joke about cow burps and farts when one in six children in Fresno schools is carrying an inhaler."


"We need immediate regulation now. We know the pollutants are coming off these dairies," said Tom Frantz, a native of Shafter, Calif., who heads a group called the Assn. of Irritated Residents. He says that he developed asthma in the last five years as factory dairy farms moved into the region. "Ag hasn't been regulated in the past, but times are changing. Our lungs will not become an agricultural subsidy."

Wow. So California is going to require emissions standards on cows? What's next, smog testing herefords? CARB stickering Angus? This is hilarious. I think this highlights the rediculous lengths CA has gone to control "pollution." I wonder when they're going to require human mufflers for everyone who's eaten Taco Bell...

My blogging personality

Your Blogging Type is Logical and Principled
You like to voice your well thought out opinions on your blog.
And if someone doesn't what you write, you really don't care!
Serious and blunt, sometimes people take your blog the wrong way.
But you're a true and loyal friend to those who truly get you.

It seems pretty acurate...except I'm not a female...

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Hanoi Jane Update

Some US soldiers have a seat reserved for Ms. Fonda. Sweet flashbacks, deary.

UPDATE: My mother was complaining that she couldn't read the sign. It reads: "Ms. Fonda, We're holding your regular seat (in Tikrit)"

Democrats Define the Word "Petty"

In what has to be a new level of pettiness, the DNC makes this press release:

Doctors gave President Bush a clean bill of health in his annual checkup this weekend and White House spokesperson Dana Perino proclaimed him to be "in superior health." However, America's youth are not so lucky. While obesity has been declared an epidemic in this country, Bush's education policy is putting children at risk with cuts in physical education and school athletic programs.

Well, concidering that health is mostly made up of lifestyle choices (do I exercise...or eat a whole bag of M&Ms...or both?), this whole press release defines new bounderies to the term "stretching it." Blaming cutbacks on PE classes for the rise of obesity is rediculous. As I recall, until I reached college, the large chunk of PE classes were spend on drug and sex education (much of the latter, thanks to dumb "progressive" policies that seem to think parents can't do this). The rest consisted of running around the track or playing basketball. Maybe if the DNC actually had something useful to say, I would listen. For the time being, I'll be planning my run for tommorrow followed by some more pull-ups.

Boy Scouts = Militaristic Indoctrination?

In a letter to the editor, a lefty tries to compare the Boy Scouts to the Hamas Summer Camps(5th letter down):

Editor -- Yes, it is disturbing that Palestinian children are being taught to chant "Rifle fire! Raise it up!" in Hamas summer camps.

But, hey, we've got militaristic chants going in this country for our kiddies, too. On Sunday, President Bush met with the Boy Scouts, a gathering of 50,000, at their National Jamboree at an Army base in Virginia. Among other things, he went on about patriotism and military service.

Bush's audience had been warmed up by a man wearing an Army T-shirt who, as balloons with military emblems floated about, led the children in chants of "OO-rah" and "U.S.A.!"

Looks like we've got some of our own sun, fun and indoctrination.


San Francisco

Wow. So chanting "USA" is a militaristic chant. Although "OO-rah" has a long military history, it hardly compares to some of the rather frightening chants included in the original article:

“What are you?” he called.

“Monsters!” the kids replied.

“What are you?!”


As the instructor, Sa’eb Dormush, stepped aside for an interview, a youth in the group shouted out “moqawama!” — resistance.

“That is the first word they learn when they are born,” Dormush said with a laugh. “This is the next generation.”

or this song:

"We don't want to sleep.


We want revenge.


Raise it up.


Rifle fire.


If it will take a thousand martyrs.


Kill Zionists.


Wherever they are.


In the name of God.


Oh, yeah, "OO-rah" can be compared to a song exhorting the death of Jews. When is the last time you heard Boy Scouts screaming death chants? How 'bout never.

Via Michelle Malkin and LGF

Monday, August 01, 2005

Back to Blogging

I've been away from blogging for a bit due to being really busy. Busy doing what? Well, because I'm interested in joining the Marines and have a metal plate in my leg, I've been making frequent trips to the military processing (MEPS) center for physicals and other such goodies. So, after several trips down and many mornings up at 4am, all my physical info is finally in and I am now awaiting a "beumed" (a medical report that says my metal plate will last 20 years).

I'm taking advantage of this time to really work on my physical training. I've decided to bump up my running to 5 times a week, and do a couple 3-set sessions of 5 pull-ups and 35 crunches to increase my PFT numbers with my current goal at 225..but goal before Officer Canidate School at 250. Speaking of which, don't eat too many cookies before doing'll regret me.